Self-taught Programmer

About Me

profile picture

Thanachon Supasatian

It took me 25 years until one day when I tried to create an interactive investing dashboard on Excel as a hobby on a weekend while I work as a mechanical engineer.

I discover one thing while I'm struck with Excel limitations and that thing has profoundly changed my course of life and the way I perceive how the future world will going to look like.

It's coding.

A month passed while I was addicted to learning about web development and how programming works until I realized how powerful and amazing coding can be which only limit by your competence and imagination.

How it can power our present world, or even further more; change our daily life. (or even my Excel dashboard)

Look around us, whether it a software that we working on in the office, a website that we casually browse in the afternoon, an application that we're making a taxi call to take us home, or a streaming app that we used to watch on our smart tv.

How absurd of me to not notice all of these before quickly that everything behind those screens has been powered by code!It took me more than 20 years to realize what a world I lived in.

That's when I decided. I will teach myself to become a programmer.

That's where my story as a programmer begins.

Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.


  • Language:
    Javascript badgeTypescript badgePython badgePHP badgeSCSS badgeSolidity badge
  • Framework / Library:
    ReactJS badgeNextJS badgeVueJS badgeNuxtJS badgeNodeJS badgeNestJS badgeWordpress badge
  • DevOps:
    Docker badgeGithub_Actions badgeDigitalOcean badgeAWS badge
  • Tool / Platform:
    Git badgePostman badgeVite badgeJira badgeMagento badgeFigma badgeSupabase badge
  • Technology:
    OpenAI_API badgeSmart Contract & Web3 badgeGraphQL badge



2014 - 2017

Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

Bangkok, Thailand

Professional Experience

2022 - Present

Front-End Engineer

MAQE Bangkok Co., Ltd.

Bangkok, Thailand

  • Implement the features and user interfaces of the product
  • Architect efficient and reusable front-end systems that drive complex web applications
  • Collaborate with team including Designers, QAs, Project Managers, and Software Engineers to deliver compelling user-facing products
  • Identify and resolve potential issues during the development process including performance and scalability issues



AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


Earners of this certification have a fundamental understanding of IT services and their uses in the AWS Cloud. They demonstrated cloud fluency and foundational AWS knowledge. Badge owners are able to identify essential AWS services necessary to set up AWS-focused projects.

See credential

TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test

Score : 915

Listening part score : 470, Reading part score : 445

See credential

Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program


The goal of the Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program is to equip learners with the unique skills they need to build and develop a variety of websites and applications.

  • be able to construct responsive websites using CSS, Flexbox and CSS Grid
  • develop interactive websites and UI (User Interface) applications using JavaScript and HTML
  • connect a web application to backend server data using Node.js
  • build competency automating application build and deployment using Webpack
  • improving offline performance of websites using Service Worker
See credential

The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp

  • Be able to build ANY website you want.
  • Craft a portfolio of websites to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business.
  • Master backend development with Node
  • Master frontend development with React
  • Learn the latest frameworks and technologies, including Javascript ES6, Bootstrap 4, MongoDB.
  • Learn professional developer best practices.
See credential
See more

Believe you can and you're halfway there.


aurapan banner


Women's Clothing Online Shop

Aurapan is a beautiful women's clothing e-commerce website built with microservices architecture.

The entire app is deployed and runs in Docker containers executed in a Kubernetes cluster with Typescript as a back-end language, performed server-side rendering by Next.js with full-integrated Stripe and Paypal API payments, developed on Google Cloud Platform environment.

The project has set CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Action workflow and deploying on DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster.

suppee banner


Electronics E-Commerce Store

Suppee is an e-commerce platform built with theMERN stack, creating extensive back-end with Express, managing global state with Redux, working with aMongoDB database and the Mongoose ODM, using JWT authentication and integrating the PayPal API.

where-should-i-go banner

Where Should I Go?

Travel Companion Application

Don't know where to go?

Why not use this amazing app to find interesting places around your area on google maps with cool informations from TripAdvisor API.

Sentiment Analysis App
Sentiment Analysis App

Single page application that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites.

Travel Planer App
Travel Planer App

Travel planer app that obtains a desired trip location & date from the user and displays weather forecast, country information, and an image of the location using information obtained from external APIs.


A single landing page that shows 'TinCat', an application for cats who looking for hot kitties by wrapping all pages with the Bootstrap CSS framework.


Suppee is an e-commerce platform built with the MERN stack and Redux.


Aurapan is a beautiful women's clothing e-commerce website built with microservices architecture.

Where Should I Go
Where Should I Go

Don't know where to go? Why not use this amazing app to find interesting places around your area on google maps with cool informations from TripAdvisor API.

Vue Spotify
Vue Spotify

Music is the universal language of mankind.

Portfolio Website
Portfolio Website

my lovely portfolio website deploy with real domain name on Netlify.

Weather Journal App
Weather Journal App

This project is to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI in a Weather Journal application by using Express as a server framework on Node.js.

Noodle Keep
Noodle Keep

A simple note keeper app that built with MERN stack, MUI and Redux.

Dice Game
Dice Game

Feel lucky? Let's roll the dice to decide who will win with this simple web app.


A simple JavaScript game that allows you to play instruments with keyboard or mouse input.

Simon Game
Simon Game

Simon game is a mini JavaScript game, a practice project to learn how to use jQuery library to make it easier and faster to write code.

Creative Fund
Creative Fund

A crowd funding dapp using the Ethereum blockchain, deployed on Goerli test network and built by NextJS.

Web3 Lottery
Web3 Lottery

A simple lottery game created with smart contract and deploy on Goerli test network

Colors Palette Generator
Colors Palette Generator

A visual color palette search engine with GPT-3.5 API

Download resume here


Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree long time ago



Bangkok, Thailand
